How Not To Become a Laughing Stock!

By Toadguy.

A problem that most mario, and most nintendo fans face are people who prefer the x-box, yet more commonly the ps2. They tease you, saying "gamecube stinks!"When u try to deffened yourself, you find your self humilulated, making everyone around you laugh at you and become conffinced that the ps2 is better.

LET'S SEE HOW THEY LIKE IT! This is a page to defend the most common points, and probably the only insults and points that are won in the debate, and good comebacks they have been tested ranked 6. The PS2, has Internet capabilities while the Gamecube does not Comeback: Currently this is true, but hey, who needs a modem when u can use broadband? If u go on, click on games, click on the Gamecube sign you will see an accessory for broadband and 56k for the gamecube in the future. 5.The PS2 and x-box can play dvds, while the gamecube does what? NOTHING Comeback: Why get a stupid system just because it has a dvd player, when u can get a system that is cheaper because it does not have one. If you don't have a dvd player, use it on your computer, or just get a dvd player. 4.The games for the ps2 and x-box can hold more memory Comeback: Actually, just because the disc is smaller doesn't make the game better or longer, just faster and can't hold DVD stuff. Although it can to but it's a game system 3.The graphics for the x-box, ps2 are better Comeback: true, but the Gamecube has better games 2.the ps2 and x-box has better games Comeback: ok, maybe now, but it has potentials Counter of comeback: HA! Counter comeback: to prove this potential, you probably think that FF10 is one of the best games ever made right? Respond to counter comeback: Better than you system Oh just the other comeback: well, then you probably think that ff11 will be better, and it will, its a bad think for us Nintendo fans... Response: ha, u admitted your self! Comeback: If square did not rejoin itself with Nintendo, so now ff11 will be a Nintendo game! 1.KIDDY SYSTEM! KKKIIDDDYY SYSTEM, you have definitely heard this one, almost all debates have this if not cut short for some system, time to make ps2 and x-box the kiddy system Comeback: Look around on, 4 residents of evils, eternal darkness which looks very violent and gory, plus it looks like only 10% of the games will be kiddy, the graphics will look a little cartoonish, but who cares about graphics, and a game that I never played, conker's bad fur day proof the cartoon graphics can be violent 0:well... Uh... Ps2 or x-box.... Still rocks Comeback: there zeros, just like u and this response number! I hope u enjoyed toadguy's first page, have fun making people other than you laughingstocks.