Game Boys over the years !

12 years. Plenty has happed over that 12. We had three new presidents, 5,000 new TV game shows, and a dozen new systems. ( No, not wth Game Boys. ) So in shorter words a lot has changed or "Advanced".


When Game Boy was realeased the whole world was talking about it. I mean almost every TV show and Movie had a Game Boy in them.Game Boys were so, so, interesting. Till about 1994...


1994 the Game Boy excitement died or died down. So Nintendo got a idea. "Why not make a Game Boy with smaller size and clearer vision." And so the Game Boy Pocket was born.But that wasn't the only reason Game Boys became "Cool" again...Duhhhhhhhhhhhh! The colors they came in! So the "buzz" started again.-for two years...


It was the right time so Nintendo did while the buzz was still there. It was time for the Game Boy Color! this was the first Game Boy to have color. And "Gammers" loved that. Later in Fall 1999 a new Game Boy system in 2001 was going to the stores.


We all know Game Boys rule right? Well think again the Game Boy Advance doesn't rule it really rules! just up for sale the 13th. The only things differnt between Game Boy Advance and the other Game Boys is the shape and the 3-D pictures.